Frankie Haugh
What’s your job title?
FastReach Commercial Manager
What sort of duties do you have at work?
My role is focused on developing our frictionless business model. This involves working with financiers, insurers, and software developers to make our technology as accessible as possible. I also work closely with our CFO to deliver financial analysis relating to our ongoing projects
What has your career path looked like until now?
Whilst studying for my master’s, I worked for Smart Green Shipping to help deliver their original feasibility study, as it tied in closely with my dissertation. After graduating, I spent the best part of 3 years working in the software industry in sales and recruitment roles before coming back to SGS
What’s your secret to making progress each day?
Organisation and personal targets. I spend 10 minutes at the end of each day planning what I need to achieve tomorrow to be in line with deadlines, as having worked in target-driven environments, I know this is how best to ensure I keep making progress
What motivates you at work?
Being part of an organisation with a clear, exciting mission. When I work every day, I know I am making a direct contribution to a project that will revolutionise shipping; this is inherently motivating to me.
What makes SGS different from other places you’ve worked for?
A constant commitment to quality and improvement; the strong moral beliefs of the team; and the growth potential of the company
Who inspires you?
Jurgen Klopp; my parents; Sir David Attenborough. Not always in that order
What kind of music do you like?
My last 3 ‘liked’ songs on Spotify are by the Beatles, Olivia Rodrigo, and Frank Ocean – so you could say I like a variety?
What’s the best book you’ve read recently?
I generally read non-fiction books, but enjoyed reading Silence of the Lambs on holiday recently
What’s your favourite food?
A nicely cooked steak
Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?
In terms of hobbies, I’ve recently started trying to get into ‘Balcony Gardening’ to grow ingredients to cook with (quite unsuccessfully, I might add)
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Professional footballer
What’s your favourite thing to do on a weekend?
Play football and then go out for a Sunday Roast
What’s your favourite season and why?
Summer; I love being outdoors and it’s much nicer doing that when it’s sunny